Ujung Kulon, Banten Trip To The National Park Rated

Ujung Kulon presenting travel destinations travel experience unique and different. Attractions Banten this one like isolated from Bali Cheap Hotel the noisy crowded city life. Since 1992, Ujung Kulon National Park has been declared a World Heritage (World Heritage) by UNESCO. Here is where the one-horned rhinoceros wildlife conservation, endangered animals are protected by the state. Ujung Kulon National Parks administratively entered into two sub-districts, namely Sub Cimanggu and District wells. Both districts are part of Bali Private Villa the district of Pandeglang, Banten. In Banten, another favorite tourist destination of which is Turkish Anyer, Carita Beach and Pulau Umang. The state of nature is so pure you can find in the tourist area of Ujung Kulon this. The only source of power there only exist on the island Peucang. This is because you will have difficulty using electronic devices in the region, including Bali Holiday Villas Seminyak the means of communication. U...