Setawig Waterfall Jonggrangan | one of the seasonal waterfalls in Kulon Progo

Setawing waterfall is a waterfall tourist attraction around the area Girimulyo Kulon Progo which access is most closely compared to other waterfalls tour that stood by. Curug waterfall or a seasonal waterfall that flows during the rainy season only. Since opening a tourist attraction, the area began to improve by building a park around the Bali Cheap Hotel waterfall and equip tourist facilities. Curug Setawing or known waterfall Jonggrangan or Grojogan Ngisor Tawing located in the hamlet Jonggrangan, Jatimulyo village, district Girimulyo, Kulon Progo regency, Yogyakarta. The location is near the waterfall Setawing Jonggrangan market or markets encountered after passing the sharp incline of Nanggulan Kulon Progo. Routes to this waterfall from the city center starting from the straight road to the west of Tugu. Follow the road straight up over the river bridge and enter the territory Nanggulan Progo Kulon Progo. The road condition of the area Nanggulan began to climb and climb ends...