Tradition Mekaré-Kare

Tradition Mekaré-Kare
An old village in Bali holiday villa seminyak is located in Karangasem, named Tenganan has a unique tradition called Mekaré-kare or pandanus war. The tradition is celebrated for generations until now. Annual activity becomes interesting entertainment for tourists, so the village became famous and a leading tourist destinations in Karangasem regency. The ceremony was in honor of the god of war terhadapa ie Lord Indra. Hindu understanding in Tenganan is a little different than in other places that adopts Tri Murti Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Sedankan in the old village considers Indralah highest god, the god Indra as the god of prosperity and the god of all gods and traditions Mekaré-kare was held in honor of the god Indra.

Evolving mithologi, believed by Hindus Tenganan which is closely related to the implementation of Mekaré tradition-kare. According to the story, this ancient Bali Private Villa village and the surrounding region was ruled by a tyrant named Maya Denawa, the king considered himself to be God, forbid people to perform religious rites. Knowing this, the gods sent Indra as a warlord descends to earth to overcome this, Maya Denawa itself is the king of magic that can transform themselves into various shapes, fierce fighting, but because of the magic of Indra, the tyrant can be defeated, and to honor the victory of Lord Indra dilaksanakanlan ceremony Pandan War.
Besides tradition Mekaré-kare, Tenganan alone resulted in the production of woven fabric called double ikat cloth grimace. Double ikat technique is already scarce in the world, so that the Bali Accommodation Aga village is increasingly popular and has an important position in the map of attractions in Bali. From Denpasar it took about 2 hours drive, you use a rental / lease a car or join a package tour to visit the region this resort island. Because adjacent to Tenganan no great number of interesting places to visit like the beach candidasa, Labuhan amok with Odyssey Submarine recreation and beach Prasi, Bali Tour Activity .

In the village of Tenganan, Bali Cheap Accommodation is all the rules villages / awig awig written entirely by the villagers believed and passed on from generation to generation. Ceremony war pandan / Mekaré-kare was held for two days in a row and once a year ie sasih kalima Balinese calendar. Residents who participated in this procession using clothes Balinese without wearing a (shirtless), so that their arms in the form of a bunch of pandan spiked in one hand and a shield on the left hand, it would be so easy to hurt each skin the opponent's body, so it is necessary dexterity.
Two young men will fight, each trying to drag the back of an opponent with a weapon pandan. They were accompanied by the orchestra and the audience cheers / other residents joined spur the spirit. The fight did not last long only about 1 minute. They will be separated by a mediator who assisted also by other citizens. This fight is rotating about 3 hours late. Finished they fight, they help each other to take the thorns stuck in the skin, and provide medicinal herbs on the skin of turmeric for a speedy recovery. There is no animosity between them. After Mekaré-kare is completed, they were eating a meal together in the tradition of togetherness and happiness Megibung seen among them.


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