Serving Eating shrimp paste archipelago in Bandung

Bandung house eating shrimp paste or named shops in shrimp paste, can be regarded as a new eating place in the city of Bandung. Places to eat which was established on July 7, 2012, his name does sound strange. As we know, that belacan is none other than seasoning condiment is often given predicate skewed because of the impression it smells. However, the impression of smell attached to the name, it smells as a fragrant aroma for the tourists, especially foreign tourists from Malaysia and Singapore. ( bali cheap accommodation )

One of the unique things and may seem odd from Bandung Rumah eat shrimp paste that can be directly encountered is, red chili image is used as a replacement of the name of the letter L in shrimp paste. Is unique and tends awkward, perhaps because belacan meaning denoted with shrimp paste should or rebon basic materials. However, the selection of chili must have gone through a long thought that there can not be separated from the philosophical elements.

The menu is served in this place is the variety of diverse archipelago menu that flavor is no stranger to the Malay tongue. Use of belacan or paste itself turned out to be the inspiration for the concept and menus are presented here. All the food menu, can be said to be inseparable from belacan use as a seasoning. The taste and aroma are unique and often dominate, making each menu presented has its own uniqueness. ( bali cheap hotel )

Although the cuisine at home eating shrimp paste Bandung is a culinary variety of the archipelago, but not infrequently also said that if the place serves specialties Sunda. It may be related to the impression of being caught through the room decor that combines Java, Bali and Sunda at once.

Some menus are seeded and often ordered at this place, among others:

The calamari shrimp paste
Catfish Grill Bambu
Gurame soup Asam Pedas
Soups Nila Asam Pedas
Ayam Kampung shrimp paste
Ayam Kampung Bakar Bamboo
shrimp shrimp paste
Sunda soup

Another unique and diverse menu such as beans spiced red chili.
In addition, at certain times of shops in shrimp paste on sale for visitors in the form of rebates or discounts. The sale, usually applied to multiple menus. ( bali best hotel )

To enjoy what the sensation of eating at home ate shrimp paste Bandung, can go directly to the address Jl. Halmahera No. 4, Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. ( bali private villa )


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